Perhaps if I assign a different topic/subject for each day of the week, I'd get better about blogging. Although I do not have a subject for each day of the week just yet, I thought that Thursdays would be good for "Little Things".
Today's "Little Thing" - Jolly Lollies! (Please excuse the poor picture quality. My little camera has suffered from abuse and it's about time to replace it. )
I first found this idea at the Decorated Cookie blog. Her pictures are waaaay better! This was a fun little project to do with my 3 year old. We're big candy fans around here! And eating Jolly Ranchers this way is much safer for little ones. Yes, I know..horrible for our teeth, but every once in a while, treats are nice.
Here's how it's done -

First, find the candies you want to use to make your lollipops. We used 3 Jolly Ranchers for each lollipop. My dd chose which flavors/colors would make up our "Jolly Lollies". Place a layer of foil and a layer of parchment paper on a baking sheet.

Arrange 2 or 3 candies side by side on the parchment paper. On our cookie sheet, we were able to fit 4 lollipops, leaving room for the lollipop stick to be added later.

Move the oven rack to the top. Place baking sheet in an oven preheated to 275 degrees. Bake for 6 minutes. Keep your eye on your lollies or they'll melt down too thin.

Remove from oven and quickly add your lollipop sticks. We unfortunately didn't have lollipop sticks at our place, but bamboo sticks worked great! They can be cut down easily enough. Just place on bottom portion of your lollipop and roll around to coat the top of your stick.
Let cool and enjoy!
These were a big hit at our house, even with my dh! They reminded us of the Jolly Rancher sticks that we ate growing up.
Thank you, Meaghan, for sharing this great idea!